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时间:2017-09-22 18:10:33  来源:  作者:  阅读数:










  Once upon a time there was a cruise ship sailing along the coast of the Pacific Ocean. On board the ship, there was a magician, who was traveling with a parrot, his companion. The magician made his living by giving performances to the passengers on the ship.

  One day, the magician was giving a show to some passengers. The parrot always stood on the magician’s shoulder when he gave a show. Whenever the magician told a joke, the parrot would give it away. One time the magician had a knife, he spun it around and the knife disappeared! The parrot said “It’s in his pocket, it’s in his pocket”. The crowd booed him because the parrot gave it away. The next trick he did, he waved a magic stick around and it vanished. Again, the parrot said “It’s up his sleeve! It’s up his sleeve!” The magician got mad because he couldn’t keep any of his tricks secret. The parrot kept giving them away.

  One day the cruise ship sank. The magician and the parrot managed to swim to an island where they stayed for about 3 months when the parrot all of a sudden burst out and asked:“Ok. I give up! Where did you hide the ship?”