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时间:2017-09-22 18:47:56  来源:  作者:  阅读数:

  一、 issue; problem

  1. They have published a lot of new books on international _____.

  2. Measures have been taken to solve traffic ______ in big cities.

  3. I don\'t want to make a(n) ______ of it. I don\'t want to hurt you.

  4. -I\'ve left my money at home.

  -That\'s no _____. I can lend you some.

  5. Our homework consists of ten _____ to solve.

  6. My kid brother is a real ______.

  Key: 1. issues / problems 2. prob-lems 3. issue 4. problem 5. problems 6. problem

  【简析】issue意为\"议题;争论点\",强调急需讨论研究、争论、争辩(如1和3)。problem 意为\"难题;困难\",强调有难度,需要考虑、关注及解决(如1,2和4);也作\"(需要做的)习题或(数学)题\"解(如5);还可作\" 构成问题的人;引起麻烦的人\"解(如6)。

  二、 wipe away; wipe off; wipe out

  1. The smile ________ his face.

  2. We tried to _________ all signs of our presence.

  3. She ________ the tears.

  4. You must try to _______ the memory of these terrible events.

  5. The climbing was so tiring, and I _______ when I got to the top.

  6. The paint won\'t _______ easily.

  Key: 1. was wiped off 2. wipe away 3. wiped away 4. wipe out 5. was wiped out 6. wipe off / be wiped away

  【简析】wipe away作\"擦掉;清除掉\"解,运用较为广泛(如2)。wipe off也可作\"擦掉;抹掉\"解,但wipe off可用作不及物动词(如6),也可把off用作介词(如1)。wipe out 意为\"消灭;去除(多为某种不好的东西,如4);擦洗......的内部\",也可作\"使精疲力竭\"解(如5)。

  三、 defend; protect

  1. The country can\'t _______ against a nuclear attack.

  2. When the dog came at me I picked up a stick to ______ myself.

  3. May God _______ you from harm.

  4. They _______ their goal with great skill during the last season.

  5. Wearing dark glasses can _______ your eyes from the sun.

  6. She _______ herself successfully in court.

  7. The insurance policy _______ you against injury.

  Key: 1. be defended 2. defend 3. protect 4. defended 5. protect 6. defended 7. protects

  【简析】defend 意为\"防御;保卫;保护\",强调通过作战、反击等方式(如1和2);也可作\"(体育上)防守(球门等)\"解(如4);还可作\"为......辩护;为(论文等)答辩\"解(如6)。protect也可作\"保护;防护\"解,主要指用通过警惕、警卫、覆盖等方式(如3和5),也可表示\"为......保险\"(如7)。

  1. All too often, global development means that rich people get richer while the poor get poorer. 全球发展常常意味着富人更富,穷人更穷。

  1) all too... 是习惯用语,意为\"实在太......\",常用于all too often(时常),all too soon(太快)等固定搭配中。例如:

  All too often, Tom came to ask me for money. 汤姆经常来向我要钱。

  2) mean作动词用时,后面常接to do sth.或V-ing形式。一般来说,mean to do sth.多表示\"打算做某事\",而mean doing sth. 则大多表示\"意味着做某事\"。当然,有时为了结构的对应关系,mean to do sth.也可表示\"意味着做某事\",但mean doing sth.一般不表示企图或打算做某事。例如:

  Missing the bus means waiting for one more hour. 错过了这班公共汽车意味着要再等一个小时。

  I had meant to meet you at the station, but I was delayed by a business meeting. 我本打算去车站接你,但因为一个业务上的会议而耽搁了。

  2. With better education, people will be able to build a better society in harmony with nature and perhaps put an end to the death and suffering caused by the big three. 教育改善之后,人们将能够建设与大自然和谐相处的美好社会,也许还能消灭由三大公害带来的死亡和痛苦。

  1) in harmony (with...)意为\"(与......)和谐;(与......)谐调。例如:

  They have been living in harmony with each other for many years. 多年来,他们一直相处得很融洽。

  2) put an end to后接名词性宾语,意为\"结束(某事)\",可与make an end of或put a stop to替换使用。例如:

  Let\'s put an end to the dispute and discuss the problem rationally. 让我们结束争论,理智地讨论一下这个问题吧。

  The government is determined to put an end to terrorism. 政府决心遏止恐怖主义活动。

  3. Among the speakers was China\'s then Premier Zhu Rongji, who stressed the need for equality and fairness in the world. 演讲者中有中国当时的总理朱镕基,他强调世界范围内的平等与公正。

  1) 以上句子是一个完全倒装结构。引起倒装的原因是由于表示范围的

  Among the speakers位于句首。

  2) 句中的stress是动词,意为\"强调\"。例如:

  The English teacher stressed the importance of reading aloud. 英语老师强调了朗读的重要性。


  The weight of snow stressed the roof to the point of collapsing. 积雪的重量压得屋顶快要塌了。

  4. And if poverty is less of a problem and people are better educated, there is a good chance that we will see less violence and fewer wars. 如果贫困的问题得到改善,人们的教育程度得以提高,就有可能会减少暴力和战争。

  There is a chance (that)... 句型中的chance表示\"可能性\",相当于possibility。例如:

  There is a chance that the sick child will get well. 那个生病的孩子有可能会康复。

  由chance构成的常用短语有by chance,意为\"偶然地;意外地\"。例如:

  I met her quite by chance. 我遇见她完全是偶然的。