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高三英语教案 My teacher(二)

时间:2017-09-22 18:46:44  来源:  作者:  阅读数:

8.短语go crazy意为发狂,发傻,发疯。go(link-v.)表示“变为”,后跟形容词,有时跟过去分词等。如:

Your hair has gone quite white.你的头发全白了。

She went pale at the news.听见这消息她脸色变苍白。

The children must not go hungry.孩子们不应该挨饿。

Fruit quickly goes rotten in hot weather.热天里的水果很快腐烂。

All the men here go armed.这里所有的人武装起来。


He has run out of ink.他用完了墨水。

My dreams came true at last.我的梦想终于实现了。

Its getting warmer and warmer in spring.春天里天气越来越暖和。


1.课文中struggling in…是现在分词短语作原因状语,相当于:As I struggled in…。如:

Being old enough to learn to read and write, she was sent to a nearby primary school.由于她年龄大得可以学读书写字了,她被送往附近的小学上学。

Not knowing how to find the place, I went to ask a policeman.由于不知道如何找到地方,我去问警察。

struggle (v./n.)意为奋斗,斗争;挣扎(着走)等。如:

He struggled in the dark, without advice, without encouragement.他在黑暗中奋力挣扎,无人给他指教或鼓励。

A bird was caught in the net and was struggling to get free.一只鸟被捕落网,正挣扎着试图得到自由。

He tried to escape but his struggles were useless.他试图逃跑,但他的挣扎是徒劳的。

5.表语 连系动词加表语构成复合谓语。表语通常说明主语的身份、特征、状态等。表语通常由下列词类表示。


Lei Feng remains a hero in our minds.雷锋仍然是我们心目中的英雄。

This is someone else’s coat. It’s not mine.这是别人的外套,不是我的。


Her mother died when she was eight years old.她八岁时母亲去世。

My speech was ill-formed and not pleasant to hear.我的话很不规范,很不好听。

Please keep quiet! I’ve something important to tell you.请保持安静!我有要事告诉你。


Two and two is four.二加二等于四。

Bill is always the first to arrive.比尔总是第一个到。


To see is to believe. (或Seeing is believing. ) 眼见为实。

One of the first things Annie did was to teach me how to play.在安妮最先做的事情中,有一件事就是教我怎么玩耍。

I must have appeared to them to be simple.对他们来说我准是一个头脑简单的人。

The greatest difficulty was finding a job for Tom.最大的困难是为汤姆找工作。


I’m afraid I must be off now.恐怕我得走了。

He has been away on a long trip.他离家去长途旅行。


Annie was among the first to realize it.安妮是最先认识到这一点的人中的一个。

How long has Bill been in bed? 比尔卧床休息多久了?


The classroom is three times the size of the bedroom.教室有卧室的三倍大。

He was on his way to a lecture, when a tourist stopped him and asked for direction.他在去听课的路上被一名游客拦住问路。


Another good reason for taking a part-time job is that employers usually perfer to hire someone who has already some work experience.打零工还有另一个很好的理由,这就是雇主通常喜欢雇佣有些工作经验的人。