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高三英语教案 Angkor wat(三)

时间:2017-09-22 18:46:36  来源:  作者:  阅读数:

1. There _____ much noise in the hospital.

A.not ought to be  B.ought not be

C.not ought be D.oughtn’t to be [B]

2. I’m sorry,I can’t go with you for I have _______ work to do.

A.mass of       B.masses of

C.a large number of  D. a good many [B]

3. After he watered the grass, he _______ a notice by its side,______ “Keep Off”.

A.put up,on which was written  B.put on, on which writing

C.fix up,by which was writing  D.fix on, in which wrote [A]

4. No one, whoever he is, is allowed to enter _____ the construction is completed.

A.after  B.when  C.until  D.as soon as [C]

5. A: Harry! You ______ on the phone.

B: Oh, I’m coming. Thank you.

A.want   B.are wanting

C.are wanted   D.are being wanted


Exs1,2 on P97. Ex2 of P42



StepII.Introduction:There is a famous temple in Cambodia,which is as well-known as the Great Wall of China. Do you know what’s its name?…… Yes,it’s Angkor Wat. Today we will learn something about it.

StepIII.Fast reading and answer Tor F questions on P98.

StepIII.Group work:

Divide the class into several groups and discuss:

1.Why was the temple a deserted place in 1980?

2.How does water damage the temple?

3.Why are boards laid on the ground?

4.why is no repair work done for six or seven months of the year?

5.Why do men go to cities leaving women to carry on with the work?

6.Why is the temple not a quite place during the day?

StepIV. Fill in blanks.(give Ss several minutes to go through the text, pay attention to the details.

Then close the book and fill in blanks.)

1.The country had been at war for many years and the temple was deserted and falling to pieces.

2. Today, the temple is the scene of a busy repair programme.

3. The rainy season lasts for six months and water gets in among the stones.

4. As I walked through the the courtyards, I noticed how the Cambodian women devoted hours to cleaning carefully a tiny area of stone.Boards are laid down to protect the precious painted stones while the repair work is going on.

5.The work of cleaning the stones is watched over by three Indian chemists.

6.Work starts every day at 7 a.m. and goes on until late afternoon six days a week, with a break at midday.

7.As the sun sinks lower, shadows spread across the courtyard.

8.Nowhere else in the world can there be such a quiet,beautiful place.

StepV.Language points:

1. Besides, there are very few skilled stone workers left after the war years. ( = Also, there are very few skilled stone workers that are left after the war years. 此外,战争年代过后,技术熟练的石匠已所剩无几。

分析:句中的besides 是副词,作“还有,而且”(moreover)解,通常置于句首。如:

It’s too late to go to the concert. Besides, it’s raining. 现在去音乐会太晚了,而且又在下雨。

2. Nowhere else in the world can there be such a quiet, beautiful place.世界上再没有这样优美、恬静的地方了。

分析:Where与no, any, some 等词构成复合词,如:nowhere(没有任何地方),anywhere(任何地方, somewhere(某个地方) everywhere(到处) 它们都是副词,以nowhere开头的句子往往为了强调,常引起句子倒装。如:Nowhere else can you enjoy such beautiful music. 如果nowhere 不放在句首,句子则不倒装。如:

He went nowhere last Sunday. ( = Nowhere did he go last Sunday)


3.Piles of stones lie in a corner of the courtyard, waiting to be replaced(=Piles of  stones are in a corner of the courtyard, and are waiting to be replaced.)

分析:句中-ing短语(waiting to be replaced )用作状语,表示伴随状态。这种含有表示伴随状态的-ing短语的句子,常常可以改成具有并列谓语动词的句子(见上述括号中的句子)。

He sat in a chair, reading newspapers.(=He sat in a chair and read newspapers.)



1.The project ______ four years and ______ a lot of dollars.[B]

A.went on; worth   B.lasted; cost

C.kept on; paid    D.lasted; valued

2.The doctors and nurses ______ the seriously wounded worker day and night.[B]

A.watched out     B.watched over

C.looked over      D.looked out

3.I found a book marked with date and name ______ on the ground with the back cover ______ off.[C]

A.laying; torn   B.lying; tearing

C.lying; torn   D.lain; tearing

4.He told me that he _____ for a newspaper when I first saw him.

A. worked   B.had worked

C.was working D.has worked   [C]

5.She finished all her work_______ quite _______.

A.felt, satisfied   B.feeling, satisfied

C.felt,satisfying D.feeling,satisfying   [B]


Exs3 of P98 Exs1,3 of P100

